Monthly Archives: May 2014

Vinegar Revealed As A Toenail Fungus Foe 1

White vinegarNot everyone is a big fan of it. But some people like putting a little on their French fries along with a dash of salt. Others say that it’s great for cleaning their fish before seasoning it and putting it in the oven. You even have those who put a little of it in the wash with their clothes, insisting that it “helps the colours not to fade”. And, believe it or not, it’s also known as a treatment for toenail fungus!

Hello vinegar. We thought we knew you. But, it seems, there’s so much more about you that we have to learn! Most of us think of vinegar as a food product, primarily used for the flavouring of a variety of foods. After all, what’s salt and vinegar potato chips without this all-important ingredient, right? But white distilled vinegar is so much more than a simple condiment.

According to, “white distilled vinegar is a popular household cleanser, effective for killing most mold, bacteria, and germs, due to its level of acidity. Cleaning with white distilled vinegar is a smart way to avoid using harsh chemicals.” And although the site points out that vinegar is “environmentally friendly”, its household cleaner description doesn’t make it all that appetizing.

But for those who are suffering from a toenail fungus infection, vinegar’s taste is the last of their worries. The acetic acid content in vinegar helps for it to be a great cleaning product. And as reveals, “fungus cannot live in an acidic environment.” Perhaps vinegar then, is the most cost-effective and easy-to-find toenail fungus solution on the market!

The website notes that if you are experiencing a toenail fungus infection, you should apply a generous amount of vinegar to the affected nails one to two times per day. If the infected nails are thick, you may want to gently file them first, in order to allow for the vinegar to better penetrate them. Allow the nails to air dry and try to scrape out any dead fungus or debris that may remain under the nails.

By repeating this process daily, a noticeable improvement should be made within a week or two, claims However, it may take several months for new and healthy nails to grow out. As long as there is a fungus problem, continue to try the vinegar method. As mentioned, its acid content works to destroy fungus, so it has got to be worth a shot, right?

Some people may experience skin irritation due to the white vinegar. On, it is suggested that you mix one part white vinegar with two parts water for an ideal solution. Soak the foot in this mixture for ten to fifteen minutes for best results. The site believes that “white vinegar is one of the best ingredients that can be used in the treatment of toenail fungus.”

Has distilled white vinegar worked for your toenail fungus problem? If not, there is a solution that is guaranteed to work. At least this is the opinion of clients who have used Zetaclear to rid themselves of toenail fungus. The oral spray and topical solution combination is considered the #1 recommended treatment by customers. For more information, visit the Zetaclear website today!

Can Laser Treatment Eliminate Toenail Fungus? 1

10 toes, some with fungus.

10 toes, some with fungus.

The unfortunate contraction of toenail fungus is actually more common than you may think. It is estimated that over 11 per cent of North Americans have problems with toenail fungus. There are, of course, a number of precautions that we can all take to avoid toenail fungus infections. And, as you may have guessed, overall cleanliness and a good sense of hygiene are among them.

There are, however, some other factors that may cause fungus to grow underneath your nails. Such factors include having abnormal pH levels of your skin, damaging the nail by way of some sort of trauma and having a weakened immune system that may make you susceptible to contracting the fungus through direct contact with a contagious strain. If all of the above cannot be avoided – not to worry – there are some treatments out there.

On an episode of “The Doctors”, Dr. Travis Stork describes onychomycosis (toenail fungus’ “other name) as a condition that is extremely hard to treat. It is not the type of condition that is easily cured with your everyday over-the-counter medications. He goes on to detail a type of laser treatment that is quickly becoming known as one of the more popular solutions to this problem.

An animated video is shown to depict how the laser treatment penetrates the nails to kill the fungus. While it is admitted that significant results may take upwards of nine months to become apparent, the treatment is described as an effective method of eliminating infection. Essentially, a patient must wait for his or her “new” nail to grow in. Once it does, the previously infected nail growth can be completely removed.

Funginix helps cure toenail fungus!

Funginix helps cure toenail fungus!

One thing is made clear about laser treatment for toenail fungus during the show. It’s virtually painless. The doctors on the panel make is a point to reveal that the lasers provide comfortable, safe and controlled treatments that don’t result in any pain or discomfort. This is certainly good news for those who may be suffering from fungus infections but are put off by the idea of going under a laser.

However, the doctors who are part of the panel discussion on the show stress the fact that preventative measures need to be taken to avoid the recurrence of toenail fungus. So while laser treatment is an option, it is apparently not a guaranteed solution. “You can get rid of it, but it’s going to come back unless I do weekly (maintenance),” one doctor who received the laser treatment admitted.

“(I need to) put a little cream on there, I need to spray my shoes with an anti-fungal spray,” he continued, “It’s so common, it likes to come back.” Toenail fungus, it seems, is quite stubborn. And while “The Doctors” describes laser treatment as a viable option, the show doesn’t suggest that it’s the ultimate cure. So is there truly a cure for toenail fungus?

Funginix is no everyday over-the-counter medication. It’s an incredible topical toenail fungus treatment that is as easy to use as applying toenail polish. No laser is needed for this treatment. It utilizes an FDA-approved undecylenic acid that works with such natural fungus fighters as tea tree oil and camphor to kill fungus infections. Eliminate your toenail fungus with a proven solution. Visit the Funginix website for details!