Monthly Archives: June 2014

5 Ways To Avoid Toenail Fungus 1

foot showing toenails with fungusBy now, you’ve probably gotten more information than you’d like to have about the problems associated with toenail fungus. Perhaps its most worrying trait is its contagiousness. If it’s so easy to contract, is there any way to avoid it? Well, of course there is. And it requires a little bit of diligence. This will especially be true this upcoming summer. Because, let’s be honest – when it’s hot outside, we love to show off our feet!

And who can blame us? Our feet have been cooped up in heavy socks and boots all winter long. The spring and upcoming summer seasons are times for sandals and bare feet – depending on where we spend our time, of course. Poolside and the beach are two of the most popular places to go when the weather is hot. Unfortunately, they are also two choice spots to pick up a toenail fungus infection.

This is because fungus thrives in warm and wet areas. So avoiding prolonged exposure to such areas will be an important step in avoiding a toenail fungus problem. As you may have guessed, there are some other steps you can take as well. On, a blogger known as Mia offers some suggestions on how we can all avoid contracting toenail fungus.

Be sure that your nail salon disinfects its metal equipment. Considering how much we’re looking forward to exposing our feet this summer, this tip is incredibly important. That’s because many people enjoy getting pedicures before wearing their open-toed shoes and sandals. There’s nothing wrong with that. But there’s certainly something wrong with using equipment on your feet that hasn’t been properly cleaned!

Wear open-toed shoes. Speaking of those shoes we like to wear in warm weather, Mia actually recommends them. She notes that when you allow for your feet to exist within airy and dry environments, you are limiting the chances of fungal growth. As mentioned, warmth, darkness and moisture contribute to the growth of toenail fungus. So let your feet be free!

Eat a balanced diet that’s rich in nutrients. According to Mia, “a balanced diet helps promote a strong immune system that will prevent the spread of fungus and promote healing.” This should come as no surprise as you’re unlikely to find a single negative aspect of keeping a healthy diet. An unhealthy one that includes a lot of sugar, on the other hand, promotes fungal growth.

Clip off as much of the infected nail as possible. Seems like a no-brainer, right? If all else fails, and you have contracted toenail fungus, one of your best bets is to clip as much of it off as you can, as often as you can. Mia suggests that you clip your nails after a shower or bath since they will be softer and easier to remove. As well, “do not re-use a nail file or clippers on uninfected nails without first disinfecting them in isopropyl alcohol.”

Zetaclear. If you haven’t been able to avoid contracting toenail fungus, you don’t have to worry about living with it forever. In fact, there’s a guaranteed way to get rid of it! Zetaclear is recognized as the #1 customer recommended cure for toenail fungus. By combining a topical solution with an oral homeopathic spray, Zetaclear is able to combat toenail fungus in two ways – on the surface and through the bloodstream!

For more information, log on to the Zetaclear website today!

Dr. Oz Diagnoses Your Toenail Fungus Problem

BLD039718We can’t all be experts at everything, right? As a result, there’s something about humankind that intrinsically makes us want to get advice from others who possess greater knowledge about particular issues than ourselves. This is especially true in the medical field. Even though you’ll always have those types of people who think they can diagnose themselves, getting a doctor’s advice is always your best bet.

Perhaps, this is why television programs like “The Dr.Oz Show” are so popular. Dr. Mehmet Oz has provided so many tips and pieces of advice to help remedy such a large number of ailments, that his show has become the go-to television entity in the world of medicine. And, as you may have guessed, Dr. Oz knows a thing or two about toenail fungus.

On, the popular television physician gives his two cents on the ways in which you can prevent toenail fungus, and treat it if you’re unsuccessful in preventing it from occurring. In a video clip from his television show that can be found on his website, Dr. Oz demonstrates how toenail fungus can be treated by using a member of his audience who suffers from it.

Named Jennifer, the audience member admits that toenail fungus actually runs in her family. Dr. Oz notes, however, that toenail fungus is an infection, so it must actually be contracted somehow. Apparently, fungus is not a hereditary condition after all. Nevertheless, the doctor takes a look at Jennifer’s feet and immediately observes their yellow discolouration and “chewed away at the edge” appearance.

He goes to explain more legitimate reasons that Jennifer may have contracted her toenail fungus. Moist surfaces, found in bathrooms and other communal locations where people may walk barefoot is the first culprit pointed out by Dr. Oz. “The fungi…imbed in a crack in the top of the nail,” he explains, “And they love the keratin, they eat it, they feast on it. And that keratosis that makes up the surface of the nail provides a nutrition for the fungus to grow.”

Funginix helps cure toenail fungus!

Funginix helps cure toenail fungus!

Once Jennifer – and his viewing audience – gains a better understanding of how toenail fungus can begin, he goes on to explain how to treat it. He gives Jennifer his “Fungus Quiz” and begins by asking what type of shoe is least likely to cause a fungal infection of the toes. As you can imagine, Jennifer guesses wrong. She selects the high-heeled open-toed shoes over the flats.

And while it may seem reasonable to keep one’s toes out in the open as opposed to locked away in a dark, dank shoe to prevent fungal growth, Dr. Oz explains that high heels put added pressure on the toenails. “High heel shoes are a risk factor for nail fungus,” he affirms. But what about socks? Which type is better in the prevention of toenail fungus? Cotton socks or those made of synthetic materials?

If you guessed cotton, you’d be wrong again. Cotton absorbs water, only giving fungi greater opportunities to grow. If you’ve unfortunately become one of the millions who have contracted toenail fungus, there is a solution that Dr. Oz doesn’t mention. Funginix is highly touted as one of the most effective fighters of fungi available. Created to eliminate all of the fungal agents that attack your nails, Funginix is truly a revolutionary formula.

Take our advice. Get more information by visiting the Funginix website today!

Dealing With The Pain Of Toenail Fungus 1

Foot painToenail fungus may sound gross. And it may even sound funny. But, the truth is, toenail fungus is no laughing matter. We could talk all day about the appearance it gives your toes. Between the discolouration and the chippy, dry, flaky, crusty (we could keep going here) look of infected toenails, a fungal infection makes feet pretty hard to look at. However, there’s a much bigger issue at play here.

Toenail fungus hurts! Make no mistake about it, it’s a fungus infection. Have you ever heard of an infection that wasn’t painful? We’re pretty sure you haven’t heard about one that’s worth laughing at. So it’s important to address any fungal infections with a high degree of seriousness. This isn’t to scare you, mind you. But it’s important to know that any fungal infection needs to be treated immediately.

On, a blogger known as Shanita explains that toenail fungus affects more than just toenails themselves. It also impacts the texture of the surrounding area of the toenails. Evidently, contracting a fungal infection will do a lot more than simply make your toenails look bad. It will make you feel bad as well. She goes on to describe exactly why so much pain is caused.

“A fungus is a form of a plant,” she describes, “This means that it needs nutrients and the right conditions in order to grow. Toenail fungus refers to a special kind of fungi that attaches to the toenails of a person. When it attaches and starts to grow, the fungus will just keep going as fast as the toenail grows.” So how bad does the pain really get? Is it really all that bad?

“The pain can be unbearable,” writes Shanita, “This is because the very hard toenails will push constantly on the skin that it will feel as if the toes are being pressed very hard. This is when things would get so unbearable that some people even contemplate actually amputating their toes off.” Wait a minute! Amputating your toes? Are toenail fungus infections truthfully that excruciating?

Shanita admits that this is an overreaction. Nonetheless, it speaks to the point that toenail fungus is a serious medical issue that requires immediate attention. With that said, your toenails should be examined by a doctor if they begin to show signs of a fungal infection. This should be the case whether you’re beginning to feel any pain or not. Better to nip it in the bud, right?

Flaky toenails are one of the first signs that you may have contracted the infection, says Shanita. “This is because the fungus directly grows on the actual nails,” she explains, “When this happens, it results to flakes because as the toenail grows, so does the fungus. These flaky toenails are very hard. When it gets very hard, it can directly push on the tender skin around the toenails. This is the actual reason behind the fact that toenail fungus hurt.”

She goes on to write that toenail fungus should clearly be avoided at all costs. Avoiding walking barefoot in public bathrooms is one obvious no-no if you’re looking to keep your feet protected. However, when all else fails, there is a solution this is pretty much guaranteed to clear your toenail fungus problem up. Zetaclear is actually heralded as the #1 customer recommended cure for toenail fungus!

A combo topical solution/oral homeopathic spray, Zetaclear can take away more than just the pain associated with toenail fungus. Learn more about Zetaclear by visiting its website today!

Battling Toenail Fungus The Natural Way

Oil of oreganoWe live in a world where there is a lot of concern about all of the various medications that are out there. It’s only right that we take caution before taking any medication. After all, it seems as if we’re inundated with late night commercials promoting the latest wonder drugs, fraught with laundry lists of side effects. It gets pretty scary, doesn’t it? All we can hope for is that we never come down with the illnesses that these drugs purport to treat.

With that said, there is a growing need among people to treat their various symptoms of illness with natural methods. We look to nutrition as a source of medicine over the strong pain killers and anti-biotics we’re often prescribed. This is a good idea, firstly because it’s important to keep our immune systems strong. It should go without saying that a healthy diet should be part of everyone’s regular living.

Secondly, natural sources are bound to have less side effects. So when a medical condition arises, seeking the natural route just seems safer. Now, this may not always be the case. Depending on the severity of your condition – and of course, the condition itself – stronger medical interventions may be necessary. After all, are there really natural remedies for every condition?

Specifically, what natural remedies are there for toenail fungus? It’s hard to get rid of, isn’t it? Isn’t a more aggressive approach to destroying it necessary? According to New Zealand’s Eric Bakker on, there are a few natural remedies for toenail fungus. Admitting that it’s harder to get rid of than fingernail fungus because our feet live in our shoes, he lists a few options to help battle the problem.

Tea Tree Oil. According to Bakker, just one drop of pure tea tree oil is needed to battle toenail fungus. Simply place the drop directly on the nail bed twice a day – one when you wake up in the morning, and another before you go to bed. He admits that this method will take its time in healing the infection, but if you keep it up, “you will be amazed and delighted at the results.”

Funginix helps cure toenail fungus!

Funginix helps cure toenail fungus!

Oregano Oil. This is an even stronger oil than tea tree oil, says Bakker, noting that “stronger products” aren’t always necessary for results. Nevertheless, oregano oil has helped to clear up “the most difficult of all toenail fungal conditions” that he has witnessed. Similar to the tea tree oil, a couple of drops a day on your infected nails should do the trick. Remember to give it time. It’s not an overnight remedy.

Grapefruit Seed Extract. After bathing each day, rub a drop of pure grapefruit seed extract on your infected nails. Be sure to get some underneath the nail beds as well. Bakker advises that every three to four days that you file away a little bit of the nail surfaces and gently rub some more of the extract in the nails. In time, the nails should begin to return to their normal states.

Oils and extracts can’t always be expected to do the trick though. Keep in mind that battling toenail fungus isn’t exactly their intended purposes. When all else fails, there is a topical nail fungus treatment available that was specifically designed to destroy toenail fungus. Funginix is heralded as a “proven fungus killer”. Log on to the Funginix website today to take advantage of their “Buy 2, Get 1 Free” offer as well as their 60-day money back guarantee!