Daily Archives: June 5, 2014

Battling Toenail Fungus The Natural Way

Oil of oreganoWe live in a world where there is a lot of concern about all of the various medications that are out there. It’s only right that we take caution before taking any medication. After all, it seems as if we’re inundated with late night commercials promoting the latest wonder drugs, fraught with laundry lists of side effects. It gets pretty scary, doesn’t it? All we can hope for is that we never come down with the illnesses that these drugs purport to treat.

With that said, there is a growing need among people to treat their various symptoms of illness with natural methods. We look to nutrition as a source of medicine over the strong pain killers and anti-biotics we’re often prescribed. This is a good idea, firstly because it’s important to keep our immune systems strong. It should go without saying that a healthy diet should be part of everyone’s regular living.

Secondly, natural sources are bound to have less side effects. So when a medical condition arises, seeking the natural route just seems safer. Now, this may not always be the case. Depending on the severity of your condition – and of course, the condition itself – stronger medical interventions may be necessary. After all, are there really natural remedies for every condition?

Specifically, what natural remedies are there for toenail fungus? It’s hard to get rid of, isn’t it? Isn’t a more aggressive approach to destroying it necessary? According to New Zealand’s Eric Bakker on YeastInfection.org, there are a few natural remedies for toenail fungus. Admitting that it’s harder to get rid of than fingernail fungus because our feet live in our shoes, he lists a few options to help battle the problem.

Tea Tree Oil. According to Bakker, just one drop of pure tea tree oil is needed to battle toenail fungus. Simply place the drop directly on the nail bed twice a day – one when you wake up in the morning, and another before you go to bed. He admits that this method will take its time in healing the infection, but if you keep it up, “you will be amazed and delighted at the results.”

Funginix helps cure toenail fungus!

Funginix helps cure toenail fungus!

Oregano Oil. This is an even stronger oil than tea tree oil, says Bakker, noting that “stronger products” aren’t always necessary for results. Nevertheless, oregano oil has helped to clear up “the most difficult of all toenail fungal conditions” that he has witnessed. Similar to the tea tree oil, a couple of drops a day on your infected nails should do the trick. Remember to give it time. It’s not an overnight remedy.

Grapefruit Seed Extract. After bathing each day, rub a drop of pure grapefruit seed extract on your infected nails. Be sure to get some underneath the nail beds as well. Bakker advises that every three to four days that you file away a little bit of the nail surfaces and gently rub some more of the extract in the nails. In time, the nails should begin to return to their normal states.

Oils and extracts can’t always be expected to do the trick though. Keep in mind that battling toenail fungus isn’t exactly their intended purposes. When all else fails, there is a topical nail fungus treatment available that was specifically designed to destroy toenail fungus. Funginix is heralded as a “proven fungus killer”. Log on to the Funginix website today to take advantage of their “Buy 2, Get 1 Free” offer as well as their 60-day money back guarantee!