Daily Archives: June 16, 2014

Dr. Oz Diagnoses Your Toenail Fungus Problem

BLD039718We can’t all be experts at everything, right? As a result, there’s something about humankind that intrinsically makes us want to get advice from others who possess greater knowledge about particular issues than ourselves. This is especially true in the medical field. Even though you’ll always have those types of people who think they can diagnose themselves, getting a doctor’s advice is always your best bet.

Perhaps, this is why television programs like “The Dr.Oz Show” are so popular. Dr. Mehmet Oz has provided so many tips and pieces of advice to help remedy such a large number of ailments, that his show has become the go-to television entity in the world of medicine. And, as you may have guessed, Dr. Oz knows a thing or two about toenail fungus.

On DoctorOz.com, the popular television physician gives his two cents on the ways in which you can prevent toenail fungus, and treat it if you’re unsuccessful in preventing it from occurring. In a video clip from his television show that can be found on his website, Dr. Oz demonstrates how toenail fungus can be treated by using a member of his audience who suffers from it.

Named Jennifer, the audience member admits that toenail fungus actually runs in her family. Dr. Oz notes, however, that toenail fungus is an infection, so it must actually be contracted somehow. Apparently, fungus is not a hereditary condition after all. Nevertheless, the doctor takes a look at Jennifer’s feet and immediately observes their yellow discolouration and “chewed away at the edge” appearance.

He goes to explain more legitimate reasons that Jennifer may have contracted her toenail fungus. Moist surfaces, found in bathrooms and other communal locations where people may walk barefoot is the first culprit pointed out by Dr. Oz. “The fungi…imbed in a crack in the top of the nail,” he explains, “And they love the keratin, they eat it, they feast on it. And that keratosis that makes up the surface of the nail provides a nutrition for the fungus to grow.”

Funginix helps cure toenail fungus!

Funginix helps cure toenail fungus!

Once Jennifer – and his viewing audience – gains a better understanding of how toenail fungus can begin, he goes on to explain how to treat it. He gives Jennifer his “Fungus Quiz” and begins by asking what type of shoe is least likely to cause a fungal infection of the toes. As you can imagine, Jennifer guesses wrong. She selects the high-heeled open-toed shoes over the flats.

And while it may seem reasonable to keep one’s toes out in the open as opposed to locked away in a dark, dank shoe to prevent fungal growth, Dr. Oz explains that high heels put added pressure on the toenails. “High heel shoes are a risk factor for nail fungus,” he affirms. But what about socks? Which type is better in the prevention of toenail fungus? Cotton socks or those made of synthetic materials?

If you guessed cotton, you’d be wrong again. Cotton absorbs water, only giving fungi greater opportunities to grow. If you’ve unfortunately become one of the millions who have contracted toenail fungus, there is a solution that Dr. Oz doesn’t mention. Funginix is highly touted as one of the most effective fighters of fungi available. Created to eliminate all of the fungal agents that attack your nails, Funginix is truly a revolutionary formula.

Take our advice. Get more information by visiting the Funginix website today!