Monthly Archives: July 2014

Can Surgery Remove My Toenail Fungus? 9

Toenail FungusToenail fungus is a problem that no one wants to have. But when it becomes unavoidable and an infection occurs, there are a variety of methods that sufferers can employ to remove it. Among them is surgery. However, this is generally only recommended when the fungal infection is very severe. The surgery can implement the removal of the entire nail. And that’s no fun!

How is the surgery performed? According to, surgical nail removal can be done at either a clinic or a doctor’s office. The site describes two types of removal. There is “avulsion” which is the removal of the entire nail. There is also “debridement” which indicates that only part of the nail is removed. The processes for each are similar, and neither sound all that enjoyable to experience.

To alleviate pain, an injection is made into the finger or toe where the nail needs to be removed, reveals The doctor then loosens the skin surrounding the infected nail so that it can be separated from the skin using a tool that goes underneath the nail. Following the removal of either the entire nail or part of it, an antibiotic ointment is applied to the wound, and it is then covered with gauze and tape.

So what can be expected after surgery? notes that the wound needs to be clean and dried regularly for the first few weeks following the surgery. The antibiotic ointment also needs to be regularly applied. Full healing is expected within a few weeks, however the nails do take much longer to grow back. The website reveals that it takes about six months for fingernails and between 12 and 18 months for toenails!

Are there any drawbacks to the surgery? As you can imagine, removing a fingernail or toenail hurts! The website admits that pain is the most obvious risk with surgically removing infected nails. This is why such a procedure is only performed if a large portion of the nail is considered diseased or damage, or if the infection is already very painful. There are other risks as well. notes that the risk of infection can increase if the area is not kept clean, dry and regularly treated with antibiotic ointment. Constant care of the operated-upon area is very important for a full recovery. Unfortunately, the nails are not guaranteed to grow back perfectly either. The site notes that sometimes, abnormal nail growth results post-surgery. They could grow back in odd shapes and have strange appearances.

So is surgery a viable option? It all depends on the severity of your infection, we suppose. The site reveals that when a nail is completely removed and antifungal cream is applied, it increases the chance of a complete cure of the infection. As well, “for a chronic severe fungal nail infection, you can choose to have the nail matrix destroyed during the removal procedure. This treatment prevents a diseased or disfigured nail from growing back.”

Surgery, it is important to remember, should be considered a last resort. A safer, more pain-free solution can be found in Zetaclear. This incredible fungus-fighter is revered as the #1 customer recommended solution for toenail fungus. The one-two punch of a topical solution combined with a homeopathic oral spray has been known to knock toenail fungus right out. For more information, log on to the Zetaclear website today!

Where Does Toenail Fungus Come From? 3

Foot FungusToenail fungus is one of those infections that is both easily avoidable and not-so-easy to avoid. Now how exactly can that be possible? Well, you see fungus infections are contagious. So if one takes precautions to ensure that they are not contracting a strain, he or she can live a toenail fungus-free life. Then again, the places where you can come in contact with an infection are pretty much everywhere!

On, it is explained that it’s hard to determine exactly where you may have picked up a toenail fungus infection. The site admits that there is no one place, or even one type of place to beware of. Fungi, it reports can be found “in the air, the dust, and the soil.” So is there really any way to avoid getting an infection? Here are some ideas about where toenail fungus comes from to help us all use appropriate caution.

Shower floors. reminds us the fungus thrives in moist and warm areas. Because of this, it’s important to be mindful of where we are stepping when we are barefoot. As you can imagine, shower floors are not only wet, but are rampant with dirty runoff. Your best bet is wearing some form of shower shoes or flip flops so that your bare feet don’t come into contact with the floor.

Swimming pools. It goes without saying that if you’re going to go swimming, you’re going to get wet. And that, of course, includes your feet! Now does admit that there are no official studies that have been conducted that have concluded that you’re likely to get a toenail fungus infection from a swimming pool. But putting together the “warm” and “moist” factors that apply here, you’ll want to be careful of where you walk.

Injury. According to the Village Podiatry Laser Center, toenail fungus can be caused by injuries. Stubbing your toes or dropping an object on them (ouch!) can compromise the natural barrier of the skin that surrounds the nail. As a result, fungus is more easily able to penetrate underneath the nail. Trauma to a toe is a no-no if you’re trying to avoid an infection. And who isn’t? As they often warn you, watch your step!

Nail polish. Now what harm could come from placing nail polish on your fingernails and toenails? After all, the whole purpose of polish is for your nails to look their best, isn’t it? According to, both polish and acrylic nails make the underlying nails less “breathable”. As a result, the nails become more susceptible to fungal infections. You may want to limit your use of polish and let your nails be free!

Tight shoes. Speaking of letting your nails be free, it’s important to allow for them to breathe. No, they don’t have lungs of their own. But “avoiding tight, non-breathing shoes”, says, is a way to help prevent a possible toenail fungus infection. Keep in mind that fungi thrive in dark, dank places. The more your feet are kept covered, the more likely they are to sweat – another factor that leads to infections.

Do know that if you do contract a toenail fungus infection, it certainly isn’t the end of the world. There is a proven solution that eradicates toenail fungus better than any other product on the market. Zetaclear is considered the #1 customer recommended solution for toenail fungus. Be sure to log on to the Zetaclear website to learn more about its quality guarantee!

What Is Onycholysis (toenail fungus)? 9

Skin fungus on the nail, on the female foot. Close-up.By now, you’ve heard quite a lot about onychomycosis. And in case you’re scratching your head wondering what we’re talking about, that’s just a big fancy word for toenail fungus. So while we’re on the subject of big fancy words, it might be a good idea to mention that onycholysis can sometimes be caused by onychomycosis. In other words, toenail fungus can lead to the separation of your toenails from the nail beds.

Ouch, right? Well, not necessarily. On, Dr. Melissa Conrad Stöppler writes that onycholysis or toenail and fingernail separation is generally painless. This is likely because the separation usually occurs very gradually over time. Toenail fungus, by the way, is not the only cause for onycholysis. As we described in our “5 Conditions Often Mistaken For Toenail Fungus” blog, onycholysis can sometimes be confused with onychomycosis.

Hmm, we wonder how! Okay, we’ll stick with the easier words to pronounce. Toenail separation, according to Dr. Stöppler, can also be “associated with other abnormalities of the nails, including nail pitting, flaking or crumbling, or other damage to or changes in the nail.” As well, she notes that it can also be related to such systemic conditions as “connective tissue disorders or hyperthyroidism.” (We know, more big words!)

This may sound like scary stuff, but the truth is that you are most likely to experience your nails separating from their nail beds if they endure some form of trauma. An injury to the nail area is bound to be among the most common and painful experiences you can suffer that lead to onycholysis. And that’s why they make steel toe boots! Construction workers are arguably the most prone to damage to their feet.

Funginix helps cure toenail fungus!

Funginix helps cure toenail fungus!

So what to do in the event that a nail separation occurs? It’s bound to look pretty bad and probably not feel any better. In some cases, nails need to be completely removed. Not to worry, nails – as you know – do grow back. They will, however, take some time to grow back fully. Numerous sources report that fingernails generally take six months to completely grow back while toenails can take up to a year and a half!

And then there are cases where treatments are needed to assist with onycholysis. On, Dr. Melanie S. Hecker writes that there are various treatments depending on the cause of the condition. For example, “onycholysis related to psoriasis or eczema may respond to a midstrength topical corticosteroid.” Pulsed dye laser treatments or psoralen plus ultraviolet A (PUVA) treatments have also been reported as effective therapies.

In such cases, patients would also be required to take very good care of their treated nails. There is an emphasis, as pointed out by Dr. Hecker, on avoiding moisture to the affected areas. Tips for care include, keeping the nail beds dry, avoiding contact irritants and moisture, wearing cotton gloves inside of vinyl gloves for wet work, clipping the affected portions of the nail and keeping the nails short in general.

It sounds like a lot of work, doesn’t it? And to be honest, to keep your nails healthy, a lot of work is necessary. In the event that your nails have not separated from their nail beds, but you do have the symptoms associated with toenail fungus, you may want to try Funginix as a solution. This very effective product was designed specifically to combat toenail fungus. For more information, log on to the Funginix website today!