Monthly Archives: September 2014

What Are The Symptoms Of Toenail Fungus? 2

Dermatologist examines the nail for the presence of fungusDoctor dermatologist examines toenail for fungus.Doctor dermatologist examines toenail for fungus.fungal nail infectionWe’ve all seen ugly looking nails before, right? To be perfectly honest, not everyone in the world is an expert at hygiene upkeep. There are those that regularly clip and file their nails, adding lotions and moisturizers to their feet in order to keep them in tip-top shape. And then there are those who forget that their feet even exist! Yes, they’ll stand in a shower. But will they remember to wash their feet?

Especially during the summer time when people are prone to wear sandals or even go barefoot – depending on where they are walking – it is a lot easier to take notice of the condition of people’s feet. But when feet are at their ugliest, does that necessarily mean that they have fallen victim to toenail fungus infections? How exactly to you know if you have toenail fungus? explains that the symptoms of toenail fungus depend on the type of infection that you have. Distal subungual onychomycosis is an infection that affects both the nail and the skin that is underneath the nail. White superficial onychomycosis is a fungal infection of just the nail surface itself. Let’s first discuss of few of the symptoms of the first infection.

If you are suffering from distal subungual onychomycosis, you may not be experiencing any pain but your may have a number of telltale signs. They include yellow streaks that can be seen in both the nail bed and on the underside of the nail; a buildup of skin pieces and nail fragments under the nail; discolouration and a thickening of the nail that may be separate from the skin underneath the nail and brittle or broken nails. goes on to explain that the symptoms associated with white superficial onychomycosis include white spots or streaks on the nail surface; a soft and powdery-feeling nail surface that can worsen over time as well as damaged and crumbly nails with brown or gray nail surface discolouration. The nails, however, do not separate from the skin underneath.

The Mayo Clinic adds, however, that in some cases, infected nails can actually separate from the nail beds. This is a condition known as “onycholysis.” Arguably toenail fungus at its worst, it is possible that those suffering from it will feel pain in their toes and finger tips. This condition is sometimes associated with a slightly four odour as well. The Mayo Clinic advises that you see a doctor right away if you’re experiencing these symptoms.

Naturally, a doctor will always be the best person to properly diagnose any condition you may have. But as the Mayo Clinic reminds us, if your nails are thickened, brittle, crumbly, ragged, distorted, dull, dark in colour or covering a build-up of debris, you will certainly want to have them checked out by a medical professional. However, if your worst fears are realized, and you have toenail fungus, there is a solution!

Funginix is very highly touted as one of the most effective toenail fungus solutions available today. It was specifically designed to eliminate nail fungus using a special formula of fungus-fighting ingredients. Log on to the Funginix website to learn more about their no-questions-asked, 60-day money back guarantee. If you are experiencing any toenail fungus symptoms, Funginix is bound to wipe them out!

7 Toenail Fungus Solutions 3

Examining toes for fungusContracting toenail fungus is certainly no fun. And getting rid of it isn’t all that easy. However, it’s not impossible. There are numerous ways that toenail fungus can be attacked. On, Jennifer Hudock writes that the various treatments range from home remedies to over-the-counter and prescription drugs. There are also certain measures to take to reduce the risk of contracting a fungal infection.

1. Keep your diet in check. What you eat can significantly impact your toenail fungus infection. Some foods help to aid the condition while others actually promote further fungal growth. Hudock writes that “food items like sugar, hydrogenated fats, salts and food additives lower the immune system and welcome fungal infections.” In other words, stay away from junk food!

2. Avoid overusing antibiotics. As mentioned, some people who suffer with toenail fungus get prescribed medicines to assist them with their conditions. However, it’s important to be very careful about the antibiotics you may be using. Hudock reveals that “antibiotics are designed to lower pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria in the body, and overuse can lower defenses and create ripe conditions for a fungal infection.”

3. Control your environmental conditions. It’s commonly known that fungi thrive in dark, damp and moist conditions. To lessen the risk of contracting a fungal infection or to not worsen your existing condition, keep the humidity and dampness of your living area to a minimum. The more you sweat, Hudock reminds us, the more you are contributing to fungus growth.

4. Visit your doctor for a full analysis and diagnosis. When it comes to the treatment of any medical condition, your best bet is to seek the assistance and advice of a professional. As Hudock points out, “different types of infections require different treatments.” This is why it’s worth looking into a variety of remedies for your fungus infection. You never know which one just may do the trick. Your doctor, however, is likely the best person to let you know.

5. Review and research home remedies. As you may be aware, there are a number of home remedies found in a variety of household products that can assist with toenail fungus infections. Among them are Vicks VapoRub, white vinegar and as Hudock reveals, apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil. In fact, she advises that “you can soak the nail daily in a mixture of Listerine mouth wash and apple cider vinegar.”

6. Avoid fungus-friendly environments. Remember that ‘dark’ and ‘wet’ are two key characteristics of locations where fungi love to thrive. This includes, but is not limited to, swimming pools, change rooms and saunas. Suggests Hudock, “avoid contact with environments and conditions that led up to the infection, and maintain your personal environment to prohibit reinfection.”

7. Try Zetaclear. When all else fails, there is a solution to toenail fungus that is actually guaranteed. Commonly heralded as the #1 customer recommended solution for toenail fungus, Zetaclear combines a topical polish with a powerful homeopathic spray that you take orally. It’s a one-two punch that promises to knock toenail fungus out! Check out the Zetaclear website for more information.

Using Essential Oils To Eradicate Toenail Fungus

Bottles with different essential oilsQuestion: who likes toenail fungus? Answer: nobody. So what gives? Why does toenail fungus even decide to rear its ugly head? Who invited it to the party? Unfortunately for all mankind, infections don’t need invitations to appear. But then again, we sometimes unknowingly invite infection through the various things that we do. All you wanted to do was go swimming. You didn’t know walking barefoot in the change room could lead this problem!

So what to do about it? As you’ve likely heard, there are many suggested remedies out there. But among the most popular are the many essential oils that have been known to combat the growth of toenail fungus. Generally safe to use and easy to find, these essential oils are quite the multi-purposed products. After all, were they even invented for the purpose of fighting fungus? Answer: who cares? As long as they help! Let’s look into what oils can encourage your infection to leave the party.

Tea Tree Oil. Arguably, this is the #1 oil for fighting toenail fungus. Researching various opinions online would lead one to believe that tea tree oil is the most highly recommended oil for battling toenail fungus. says that “tea tree oil is a natural disinfectant, possessing fungicidal and anti-bacterial properties that make it popular in treating toenail fungus.” agrees. In fact, the website reveals that a recent study found that tea tree oil is a pretty effective fungi fighter. “In recent research,” the site reports, “tea tree oil was tested for use with several different fungal infections, including candida. Tea Tree Oil was tested on twenty-six strains of various skin organisms, 54 yeasts as well as twenty-two different other strains of fungi. Tea Tree Oil inhibited growth of all of the fungi.”

Oil of Oregano. Speaking of multi-purposed oils, oil of oregano has often been championed as a common cold killer. Just a couple of drops in a glass of water is enough to wipe out a cold, even before it starts, some say. According to, oil of oregano has “antiseptic powers”. The site describes how by detailing the findings of a Georgetown University study.

“A landmark study was completed using oil of oregano against a common fungus which infects humans: Candida albicans,” reports the site, “The oregano oil killed all of the Candida in the petri dish, even in a tiny concentration—in other words, it only took a small amount of oregano oil to kill the fungus. The Georgetown University researchers concluded that oil of oregano is the most powerful natural fungus killer they have ever tested.”

Orange Oil. recommends using orange oil to combat toenail fungus infections. The site suggests mixing it with vinegar and rubbing alcohol to create a solution that works to eliminate fungus infections. suggests combining orange oil with tea tree oil to create an effective rub that you can apply to infected nails.

Funginix. Okay, so Funginix is not an essential oil. However, it is highly regarded as one of the most effective solutions to toenail fungus available on the market. If essential oils aren’t working for you, Funginix very likely will. Unlike the oils, it was specifically created for the purpose of eliminating fungal agents that attack nails. Get more information by visiting the Funginix website today!

My Boyfriend Has Toenail Fungus, Will I Get It? 16

boyfriend - girlfriend with barefoot feetWe’ve all heard about the birds and the bees. Well, most of us have. And with those dreaded speeches about sex education, we get inundated with advice to protect ourselves during sexual activity. It stands to reason, of course, that we should always take measures to protect ourselves against communicable diseases. It’s no secret that there are several sexually transmitted diseases out there.

Toenail fungus is a communicable disease. As you’re likely aware, it can be picked up when your feet are placed in moist, dark areas where bacteria love to flourish. Change rooms, swimming pools and puddles in dank areas are all prone to passing along a fungal infection to your feet. But what about when someone you know has toenail fungus? Can you contract it from that person? How do I prevent spreading toenail fungus to my partner?

More specifically, if you’re in a romantic relationship with someone, you’re bound to be closer to that person than just about anyone else, right? If your boyfriend or girlfriend has a toenail fungus infection, can it be sexually transmitted? Don’t assume that this is a silly question. It’s a very reasonable concern. So much so that it was found as a question in the Q&A section of

“My boyfriend has nail fungus on his fingers and toes, some scaling of skin on hands. If I have sex with him and he touches me, can I get it on the inside as well as the outside?” posed the question. We’d like to put any fears to rest by noting that the answer given by the website indicated that sexual activity itself does not spread toenail fungus. What a relief, right?

“In terms of your personal concern about contracting skin or nail fungus inside the vagina,” reads the response, “this turns out not to be possible. The type of fungus that lives on the skin requires keratin to grow, and keratin is not found in the cells that line the vagina.” It should be mentioned, however, that while sexual activity doesn’t cause the spread of toenail fungus, your proximity to an infected person can do the trick.

In other words, skin-to-skin contact can make you liable to contracting a fungal infection if it is made with someone else who is infected. That means you could simply be lying beside your boyfriend and pick up an infection. You’ll want to avoid sharing towels, nail clippers and other personal items that could come into contact with your feet as well. Consider it a form of abstinence!

But, other than a noticeable appearance, how exactly would you know if someone has a toenail fungus infection or not? According to, there are a number of factors than can lead an infection. Among them are diabetes, advanced age, if you wear artificial nails, if you have a disease that affects the blood vessels, if you have a nail injury and if you have a weakened immune system.

Will you get toenail fungus from your boyfriend? There honestly is no conclusive answer. You know the precautions you should take. However, if you do end up with an infection yourself, there is help by way of an incredible product known as Zetaclear. It is actually known as the #1 customer recommended solution for toenail fungus. Check out the Zetaclear website to learn more about its quality guarantee!