Yearly Archives: 2019

Terbinafine has results

I sent a picture in on May 21, the day I started taking terbinafine for my toe nail fungus. I have since finished my prescription and am now waiting for my toe nail to grow out. Here are a few update pictures of my big toe. It has been amazing how fast my toenail has grown out. This medication has really made a difference for me.

Img 5158 was taken on July 1st (the first one)
Img 5335 was taken on August 28th (the second one)

If you could place these pictures next to my other picture, so people can see the difference between the pictures.

Thank you!

J.C. in Idaho



IMG_5335We are sorry, J.C., we can not find the older photos that you sent in before! We have received so many that it is impossible to locate the exact ones. Nevertheless, people will be able to benefit from these photos, and we appreciate you updating us.




Underside of feet showing nails

Here is a pic of the underside of my foot. Most of my nails are black and I also have some thickening going on. I used to run track as a kid and for whatever reason…tighter fitting shoes felt most comfortable for me when I ran. After that, i got used to the tightness and wore all of my shoes a size too small. my feet look horrible especially the one toe I’m focusing on in the pic. Help!
tia t.

Underside of foot showing underneath black nails.

Wearing tight shoes is never a good idea, but when we are young, it doesn’t seem so important. Good photo of underside of foot. Nasty nails. They do not appear so black in this photo, though…

Using Vinegar, Bleach, Peroxide, Lamisil…

I want you to put these ‘after photos of my toenails next to the photos I have sent you before. Ones in the seventh rank in the first photos page. .You will see a big difference. Since august I am using vinegar, bleach and peroxide as soak and drops. And in september I started Lamisil pills once a day, liver enzyme controll every month. Then in october I added fungoid tincture and tineacide. I am using ped egg once a week to remove calluses of my feet. You see difference. I am not depressed now. My hand nails are much slower to be cured because I have to put nail polish everyday  -because I am a doctor, and working with my hands and patients would not like a doctor with nails looking dirty- But I am very hopefull and I will get rid of them soon. I got much of this progress with vinegar, bleach and  peroxide, the others are only helping. Hope this will help people. Thanks.
Difinately we can see that all your treatments (vinegar, bleach, peroxide, Lamisil, Fungoid tinctrue, tineacide!) have worked for you. Hand finger nails grow slower than toe nails so they would take longer for the new nail (hopefully clear) to grow out. Thank you for nice photos, always great to hear a success story.

Lamisil (nix) and Vics VaporRub

Had this fungus for 25 years since I was in the USMC. Suspect I picked it up there. It is really starting to hurt now.  Starting the Lamisil again. Been on it twice before but it would not touch this nasty nail.  I will also try the vics vapo rub and will let ya’ll know what shakes out.
todd w.
Too bad that the Lamisil doesn’t work, Todd. For some people it does, and others it will not. There is a low 45% or so rate of “cure” I have heard. Would be nice to hear how you make out with another round of attack on the fungus.