Toenail Fungus Home Remedy

6 Household Products That Attack Toenail Fungus 1

Orange essential oil, common household productToenail fungus is quite the unfriendly and feared foot foe. And other than offering us a cool way to use alliteration to begin a blog entry, toenail fungus also offers its sufferers quite the nuisance. First of all, it’s horrible to look at, isn’t it? The second most of us look at a picture of a foot with a toenail fungus problem, we wince in dismay. Secondly, it hurts. Left untreated, infected skin can become inflamed around and underneath the nail.

So what can we do to prevent toenail fungus from attacking our feet? Is it as simple was keeping our nails neatly groomed and cleaned? Can we simply wash our feet and clip our nails in order to avoid the problem altogether? Well, that’s certainly a start. But what happens if an infection does occur? There are various suggestions out there advocating the use of household products. Perhaps, they are worth a try.

Vaseline. According to, Vaseline has the ability to deprive your toenail fungus of oxygen. By coating your toenails with the petroleum jelly on a nightly basis, you may be able to stop the spread of infection as the nails grow. Be sure, however, that your toes are completely dry before application, as sealed in water can promote fungal growth.

Orange Oil. Creating a solution of five to ten per cent orange oil along with vinegar and rubbing alcohol is another ointment that may do the trick. suggests that you apply the solution daily between your toes and underneath your toenails. To do so, you may need the assistance of a medicine dropper. Pure orange oil should be available in garden and farm centres.

Funginix helps cure toenail fungus!

Funginix helps cure toenail fungus!

Other Oils. If you can’t get your hands on orange oil, suggests you try a number of other oils as alternatives. The site lists tea tree oil, neem oil, thyme oil or even oregano oil – all of which can be found in vitamin or health food stores. Just a few drops of the oil of your choice should be all that is necessary. It also reveals that “snakeroot leaf extract has been shown to be effective to some degree.”

Vicks VapoRub. This wouldn’t be the first time we’ve mentioned Vicks as a possible toenail fungus solution. But as The People’s Pharmacy reminds us, “the ingredients in Vicks VapoRub include camphor, menthol, eucalyptus oil, cedarleaf oil, nutmeg oil, petrolatum, thymol and turpentine oil. Some of these ingredients have antifungal activity.”

Towel. That’s right. A simple old towel can help in aiding your toenail fungus problem. The towel itself is no solution, as you can imagine. However, keeping your feet thoroughly dry is extremely important in avoiding the spread of the fungal infection. After bathing, swimming or any other activity that may make your feet sweaty, be sure to dry them completely.

Funginix. Now, this is no regular household product! In fact, unlike the other suggested treatments listed in today’s blog, Funginix is specifically designed to battle toenail fungus. This topical treatment has undergone extensive laboratory tests to ensure that it effective kills fungus. Its FDA-approved undecylenic acid works to eliminate the fungus deep in the nail bed. Check out the Funginix website for more information!

6 Home Remedies For Toenail Fungus 3

Soles of feet.Toenail fungus is no fun. Tell you something you don’t know, right? The discoloration, the unsightliness and worst of all, the pain – acquiring toenail fungus is certainly not on anyone’s to-do list. But what happens if you do have toenail fungus? Are there ways that you can get rid of it yourself? On, J. Marie Lowry writes that there actually are some home remedies that may be helpful.

Vinegar, Water and Vitamin E. This concoction, according to Lowry, is the first step to treating fungus. Soak your feet in equal parts vinegar and warm water for about 15-30 minutes, she advises. Once the water is cool, you know you can remove your feet. After you’ve dried the infected areas, rub Vitamin E over them to help with the healing process. Try this twice a day.

Vicks VapoRub. Well, we all know that trusty Vicks comes in handy when we’re congested. Who knew it could help with fungus infections too? Lowry suggests you rub Vicks on your infected nails as soon as you see signs of an infection. You can add a Band-Aid or let it air dry. If you can tolerate the smell – some people actually like it – try this in the morning and at night to let the rub work into the infected nails.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Warm Water. Soak the toe fungus in apple cider for 10-30 minutes, advises Lowry. Make a paste mixture by adding two to three tablespoons of baking soda to water in a small bowl. Add a tablespoon of the apple cider vinegar with some warm water until you achieve an ideal rub consistency. Rub the infection with the mixture, allowing it to stay for as long as you can. Try this twice a day.

Powder. Keeping your toes and fingers clean is imperative to keeping them healthy. Wear clean socks daily, insists Lowry. And use some type of powder on your toenails after they are cleaned. Take your shoes and socks off when you are home as infections tend to worsen when in dark places. Keep your feel as cool, dry and clean as possible. This home remedy is more of a preventative measure but can help with infections as well.

Tea Tree Oil and Vitamin E Oil. Tea Tree Oil is both a natural remedy and an antibacterial healer, writes Lowry. When mixed with Vitamin E, it is able to effectively counteract infections. Rub this mixture on your infections at least twice a day, she advises. Getting bottles of each type of oil shouldn’t be hard. They are also known to be inexpensive.

Zetaclear. On, Zetaclear is listed as the #1 rated cure for toe fungus infections. It is a combination of an oral spray and a topical solution that is applied much like nail polish. After a series of tests, Zetaclear was shown to clear up toenail infections within two to three weeks. This is “much faster than any other treatment by a good margin,” the website points out.

While not necessarily considered a “home remedy”, Zetaclear is heralded as “undisputedly the best treatment for nail fungus on the market today.” If you’re looking to clear up your toenail fungus, there is arguably no better choice than to go with Zetaclear. Home remedies may help. Zetaclear is proven to cure. Visit the Zetaclear website to learn more and to place an order today!