contagious toenail fungus

Is Toenail Fungus Contagious? 2

Depositphotos_26159123_xsWhenever most of us see someone cough or sneeze, it sort of becomes an instinct for us to look away or cover our own mouths. The truth? We don’t want to catch anyone’s cold. It’s common knowledge that colds are contagious. Who wants to pick up another person’s germs, right? When we know that illnesses are contagious, we do what we can to avoid contraction.

So why aren’t we taking better care of our feet? Unfortunately, toenail fungus is contagious. So obviously, we should be doing all that we can to avoid placing our feet in areas where they may pick up a fungal infection. There are also certain measures to take to make our feet less susceptible to contracting toenail fungus. In today’s blog, we’ll review what some of those measures are.

According to Allie Coleman on, “toenail fungus is contagious and if your toenails are yellow, cracked or crumbling, green or dry and distorted, you are probably a sufferer, and there is a good possibility it came from someone else.” But where could it come from? Coleman points out public pools and showers are two main culprits of passing along fungal infections.

So what measures should be taken to avoid contracting toenail fungus? “Avoid public places, like pools,” suggests Coleman. Now, that may be a tough sell. After all, with the summer time providing the perfect opportunity to take dips in the pool, how can it be avoided completely? Coleman suggests that you “avoid public showers and use protective footwear whenever possible.”

In addition, wearing socks around the house can help reduce the risk of spreading the contagious infection. Noticeably, her tips involve keeping your feet covered. It is essential to beware of where you step whenever you are barefoot. She even admits that “these things may sound cumbersome, but your family will be the first ones affected by your failure to maintain proper hygiene.”

Funginix helps cure toenail fungus!

Funginix helps cure toenail fungus!

The point is that toenail fungus spreads by contact – just like the flu, Coleman points out. She goes on to describe how fungus spreads in the form of a bacteria and has a long incubation period. It is possible to contract it from someone who doesn’t even realize that they have it. So ensure that you’re not doing anything silly like sharing shoes with a friend. This is an especially important tip for kids.

It’s important to be aware of your surroundings and the people in your general area. On, Susan Binford writes that “most people don’t take toenail fungus seriously. Since they may never have had an infected toenail before, they think they don’t have to pay attention to the various warnings about toenail fungal infections. The reality is these infections are highly contagious, and if you are not careful you can contract one that will take years to get rid of.”

So what happens in your worst case scenario? You’ve done all you can to avoid contracting toenail fungus and yet, you’re now noticing the unsightly symptoms. An excellent fungus-fighting product known as Funginix is bound to help you. It’s known as one of the most effective toenail fungus solutions on the market today. Log on to the Funginix website to learn about their no-questions-asked, 60-day money back guarantee!