fungal infections

7 Toenail Fungus Solutions 3

Examining toes for fungusContracting toenail fungus is certainly no fun. And getting rid of it isn’t all that easy. However, it’s not impossible. There are numerous ways that toenail fungus can be attacked. On, Jennifer Hudock writes that the various treatments range from home remedies to over-the-counter and prescription drugs. There are also certain measures to take to reduce the risk of contracting a fungal infection.

1. Keep your diet in check. What you eat can significantly impact your toenail fungus infection. Some foods help to aid the condition while others actually promote further fungal growth. Hudock writes that “food items like sugar, hydrogenated fats, salts and food additives lower the immune system and welcome fungal infections.” In other words, stay away from junk food!

2. Avoid overusing antibiotics. As mentioned, some people who suffer with toenail fungus get prescribed medicines to assist them with their conditions. However, it’s important to be very careful about the antibiotics you may be using. Hudock reveals that “antibiotics are designed to lower pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria in the body, and overuse can lower defenses and create ripe conditions for a fungal infection.”

3. Control your environmental conditions. It’s commonly known that fungi thrive in dark, damp and moist conditions. To lessen the risk of contracting a fungal infection or to not worsen your existing condition, keep the humidity and dampness of your living area to a minimum. The more you sweat, Hudock reminds us, the more you are contributing to fungus growth.

4. Visit your doctor for a full analysis and diagnosis. When it comes to the treatment of any medical condition, your best bet is to seek the assistance and advice of a professional. As Hudock points out, “different types of infections require different treatments.” This is why it’s worth looking into a variety of remedies for your fungus infection. You never know which one just may do the trick. Your doctor, however, is likely the best person to let you know.

5. Review and research home remedies. As you may be aware, there are a number of home remedies found in a variety of household products that can assist with toenail fungus infections. Among them are Vicks VapoRub, white vinegar and as Hudock reveals, apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil. In fact, she advises that “you can soak the nail daily in a mixture of Listerine mouth wash and apple cider vinegar.”

6. Avoid fungus-friendly environments. Remember that ‘dark’ and ‘wet’ are two key characteristics of locations where fungi love to thrive. This includes, but is not limited to, swimming pools, change rooms and saunas. Suggests Hudock, “avoid contact with environments and conditions that led up to the infection, and maintain your personal environment to prohibit reinfection.”

7. Try Zetaclear. When all else fails, there is a solution to toenail fungus that is actually guaranteed. Commonly heralded as the #1 customer recommended solution for toenail fungus, Zetaclear combines a topical polish with a powerful homeopathic spray that you take orally. It’s a one-two punch that promises to knock toenail fungus out! Check out the Zetaclear website for more information.