nail fungus infection

Using Essential Oils To Eradicate Toenail Fungus

Bottles with different essential oilsQuestion: who likes toenail fungus? Answer: nobody. So what gives? Why does toenail fungus even decide to rear its ugly head? Who invited it to the party? Unfortunately for all mankind, infections don’t need invitations to appear. But then again, we sometimes unknowingly invite infection through the various things that we do. All you wanted to do was go swimming. You didn’t know walking barefoot in the change room could lead this problem!

So what to do about it? As you’ve likely heard, there are many suggested remedies out there. But among the most popular are the many essential oils that have been known to combat the growth of toenail fungus. Generally safe to use and easy to find, these essential oils are quite the multi-purposed products. After all, were they even invented for the purpose of fighting fungus? Answer: who cares? As long as they help! Let’s look into what oils can encourage your infection to leave the party.

Tea Tree Oil. Arguably, this is the #1 oil for fighting toenail fungus. Researching various opinions online would lead one to believe that tea tree oil is the most highly recommended oil for battling toenail fungus. says that “tea tree oil is a natural disinfectant, possessing fungicidal and anti-bacterial properties that make it popular in treating toenail fungus.” agrees. In fact, the website reveals that a recent study found that tea tree oil is a pretty effective fungi fighter. “In recent research,” the site reports, “tea tree oil was tested for use with several different fungal infections, including candida. Tea Tree Oil was tested on twenty-six strains of various skin organisms, 54 yeasts as well as twenty-two different other strains of fungi. Tea Tree Oil inhibited growth of all of the fungi.”

Oil of Oregano. Speaking of multi-purposed oils, oil of oregano has often been championed as a common cold killer. Just a couple of drops in a glass of water is enough to wipe out a cold, even before it starts, some say. According to, oil of oregano has “antiseptic powers”. The site describes how by detailing the findings of a Georgetown University study.

“A landmark study was completed using oil of oregano against a common fungus which infects humans: Candida albicans,” reports the site, “The oregano oil killed all of the Candida in the petri dish, even in a tiny concentration—in other words, it only took a small amount of oregano oil to kill the fungus. The Georgetown University researchers concluded that oil of oregano is the most powerful natural fungus killer they have ever tested.”

Orange Oil. recommends using orange oil to combat toenail fungus infections. The site suggests mixing it with vinegar and rubbing alcohol to create a solution that works to eliminate fungus infections. suggests combining orange oil with tea tree oil to create an effective rub that you can apply to infected nails.

Funginix. Okay, so Funginix is not an essential oil. However, it is highly regarded as one of the most effective solutions to toenail fungus available on the market. If essential oils aren’t working for you, Funginix very likely will. Unlike the oils, it was specifically created for the purpose of eliminating fungal agents that attack nails. Get more information by visiting the Funginix website today!