toenail fungus pain

Dealing With The Pain Of Toenail Fungus 1

Foot painToenail fungus may sound gross. And it may even sound funny. But, the truth is, toenail fungus is no laughing matter. We could talk all day about the appearance it gives your toes. Between the discolouration and the chippy, dry, flaky, crusty (we could keep going here) look of infected toenails, a fungal infection makes feet pretty hard to look at. However, there’s a much bigger issue at play here.

Toenail fungus hurts! Make no mistake about it, it’s a fungus infection. Have you ever heard of an infection that wasn’t painful? We’re pretty sure you haven’t heard about one that’s worth laughing at. So it’s important to address any fungal infections with a high degree of seriousness. This isn’t to scare you, mind you. But it’s important to know that any fungal infection needs to be treated immediately.

On, a blogger known as Shanita explains that toenail fungus affects more than just toenails themselves. It also impacts the texture of the surrounding area of the toenails. Evidently, contracting a fungal infection will do a lot more than simply make your toenails look bad. It will make you feel bad as well. She goes on to describe exactly why so much pain is caused.

“A fungus is a form of a plant,” she describes, “This means that it needs nutrients and the right conditions in order to grow. Toenail fungus refers to a special kind of fungi that attaches to the toenails of a person. When it attaches and starts to grow, the fungus will just keep going as fast as the toenail grows.” So how bad does the pain really get? Is it really all that bad?

“The pain can be unbearable,” writes Shanita, “This is because the very hard toenails will push constantly on the skin that it will feel as if the toes are being pressed very hard. This is when things would get so unbearable that some people even contemplate actually amputating their toes off.” Wait a minute! Amputating your toes? Are toenail fungus infections truthfully that excruciating?

Shanita admits that this is an overreaction. Nonetheless, it speaks to the point that toenail fungus is a serious medical issue that requires immediate attention. With that said, your toenails should be examined by a doctor if they begin to show signs of a fungal infection. This should be the case whether you’re beginning to feel any pain or not. Better to nip it in the bud, right?

Flaky toenails are one of the first signs that you may have contracted the infection, says Shanita. “This is because the fungus directly grows on the actual nails,” she explains, “When this happens, it results to flakes because as the toenail grows, so does the fungus. These flaky toenails are very hard. When it gets very hard, it can directly push on the tender skin around the toenails. This is the actual reason behind the fact that toenail fungus hurt.”

She goes on to write that toenail fungus should clearly be avoided at all costs. Avoiding walking barefoot in public bathrooms is one obvious no-no if you’re looking to keep your feet protected. However, when all else fails, there is a solution this is pretty much guaranteed to clear your toenail fungus problem up. Zetaclear is actually heralded as the #1 customer recommended cure for toenail fungus!

A combo topical solution/oral homeopathic spray, Zetaclear can take away more than just the pain associated with toenail fungus. Learn more about Zetaclear by visiting its website today!